So Apple just launched the latest installment of the iPhone line, the iPhone 5. And just like when they launched the iPhone 4, I didn't care much about the specs, I'm sure it's great. I'm sure its functionability is more than what I need, and since it's got iPod, Internet, email, a camera, and apps, I don't need to be itsy bitsy about which one's better.
iPhone 5 says, "I'm sexy and I know it."
Photo grabbed from
And again, just like the iPhone 4, I will be buying it.. for its design. I remember vividly when the 4 was to arrive in Manila, I kept staring at this huge billboard along Meralco Avenue and can't help but muse that I sooo love the design, how sleek and symmetrical, and none of the curvy back that the predecessors had. (Note: I never bought an iPhone prior to the 4.)
Please come to Manila. Now.
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