Tuesday, March 08, 2005

catch me if you can

hehe.. whatta title. no, i just wanna say, it's so hard to catch up on the lessons taught last week. and besides, some people are just so irresponsible to do what they ought to do while we're away, so things just kind of piled up on us. grr.. imma kill those people if i could! hmp. anyway, at least i got to spend sometime with friends yesterday, eventhough i missed Jhen's birthday, we got together again yesterday for a few minutes' chitchats. Yam, Yhang, May, Jhen, me plus Chuck and Rhen (i learned that close na silang lahat, asteg diba?)

it's my good friend Meloisa's birthday today! happy 20th Mhel! she doesn't look 20 though, unlike me.. huhuhu.. ;) i hope we can watch The Phantom of the Opera sometime now. hmmm i know of one person who's gonna be buying a gift na.. hehe. *ahem ken*

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