Thursday, August 10, 2006


Woah, this week unbelievably went by so fast. We've finished ditching/swimming class today (and the tests as well). Of course every muscle is aching, but finishing the tests was worth a celebration. Which is why we'd be doing our groceries tomorrow. Haha. Pathetic celebration.

Anyway, the first test was 25 meters of individual swimming. With lifevest, you're only allowed to swim using your legs, either flat or frog kick. Maximum time possible was 90 seconds, perfect score time was 40 seconds or less. Whew, I did flat kicks (coz my frogs were getting me nowhere) and finished at 34 seconds. Yey! I wasn't the fastest though, Jila finished by 33 seconds.

Next, 10 meters rescue swimming. The same procedure (lifevest, flat/frog kicks) but this time pulling someone along. The instructor was sitting at the supposed 10-meter mark; he was seated by the middle of the pool, that's about 13-15 meters! Maximum time possible is 60 seconds; perfect score time, 30 seconds. I finished at 38. I was pulling Kezia, who's 5'9''!

HELP. Heat Emission Lessening Position. One minute. Giveaway. All you've got to do is hug your knees. And float. Haha.

Group HELP. Pretty much the same, but this time everyone must chain arms and maintain the circle. Instructors come and try to break the chain by half-drowning one of you. Bond was strong so we got perfect score for that.

The toughest part. Getting onto a fully inflated slide raft, with the raft walls being 2-3 feet in height. Maximum time possible: 30seconds; perfect score time: 10 seconds. I stumbled into the raft by 7. :)

Whooo! Achievement! I got 90 points in all. Not bad. :)

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