Saturday, June 11, 2005

long weekend

It's a long weekend. I knew this a month before, coz it's a public holiday in Australia on June 13, and since Pres Arroyo took back what she said before (that the 13th would be a regular working day), everyone gets to have a long weekend. *sheesh* Too bad, I wanted to do some personal stuff on Monday--like going to the university to accomplish some requirements--without having to absent myself from work. Unfortunately, I can't coz all offices including my school would be closed on Monday!! Hmp.

Anyway, it's not all bad though, we [my family] would be able to pursue our hotel-overnight plan which was long overdue. The icky thing is that we might just be in the middle of rallies and kudeta and all because of June 12 demonstrations and oust-the-president plans of some groups. I don't care, as long as they don't go bombing the hotel we'll be staying at, and also the mall coz we'll probably catching two flicks: A Lot Like Love (which me and my bro had long been promoting to our mom and dad), and Mr and Mrs Smith!

According to Luci, my friend at the embassy, there was this survey which Angelina Jolie won. It's seems like Ms Jolie would most likely be the woman that any straight woman would want to be with... Something like that. Yeah. Whatever.

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